Friday, February 12, 2010

love-filled package

A knock on the door today yielded an unexpected package: Valentines from my gentlemen friends in New York. Surprises are so nice, especially when they include delicious things like:

*chocolates from La Burdick
*homemade peanut butter chocolate cookies
*homemade tangelo curd
*a hilarious silk-screened necklace featuring Tippi Hedren from Marnie, one of my favorite films of all time

I love the vintage Valentine card that they sent, too. It's addressed to me and my "German soldier," by the way, because my friend recently read Summer of My German Soldier by Betty Greene, which was one of my favorite YA books as well. And because my husband is blonde-haired and blue-eyed.

Such sweet handmade treats! But best of all is the love and thought that went into the package.

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