Monday, December 13, 2010

unique la: winter 2010

So there no plans to go to Unique LA this weekend, but I was scarcely finished posting the write-up on Renegade yesterday morning when my husband asked if I wanted to go to "that other craft fair." I said weakly, "But we already bought all the presents we need to get for Christmas..." to which he responded, "But this won't be about buying gifts for anyone else, this'll just be for you." And that's why I married him!

I did actually end up getting a couple of gifts there as well as more cute pins for myself, and it's always fun to browse and see what people are making. We came away with lots of free drinks and these tote bags designed and printed by 7 Lightning Bolt ...which I have to say were much better than the ones from last year's show, which were really flimsy and just had some faux spray-painted words on it.

I love tote bags so much--I don't think we've ever actually paid for one, we've gotten so many from craft shows and film festivals and other such events. They really come in handy, more so than nearly any other freebie.

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