Wednesday, December 15, 2010

vintage Christmas bookmarks + free download

I can't seem to wrap my brain around blogging in a timely manner...I have photographs and projects stored up, but it's been so busy this holiday season that it's been hard to sit down at the computer for any length of time!

I thought I'd share a project I made a few weeks ago for a A Very Vintage Christmas Bookmark swap, whose guidelines were simply that the bookmarks needed to be made with a vintage holiday theme. I printed old-timey Christmas images onto card stock and paired them with quotes from traditional carols. They were then laminated and embellished with vintage paper lace I acquired from the flea market, which was really easy to affix using a Scotch adhesive dot roller.

I have made other kinds of bookmarks, but I find these paper ones such a quick and satisfying project to do--and it's so nice to spoil your partner a little bit by sending four instead of the required one. I have fancy metal bookmarks and fabric ones and  leather ones, but it's really the paper ones that I use the most.

If you'd like to make your own set for stocking stuffers or to mark a favorite passage in a book you're giving as a gift, feel free to download your own set of Vintage Christmas Bookmarks. A reminder to print them for your personal use only, not for commercial purposes, please!


  1. Thank you for sharing!! Great for gifts!

  2. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [16 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. I'm too late for downloading them (link isn't valid), but your bookmarks are very pretty.

  4. Hm, I just checked the link and it appears to be working! Regardless, I've just emailed you a copy of the pdf. :)

  5. I couldn't access the link either. They are very pretty bookmarks.
