Monday, October 4, 2010

fancy hat + cute apron

I really have to find a garden party to go to. Because I now have the perfect hat to wear to it!

We went to the Pasadena Flea Market again this weekend, and I found this beautiful vintage hat that I absolutely could not resist. It's made of mossy green velvet and covered in gorgeous velvet flowers with a swanky net veil that comes down rakishly just over one eye. So fabulous! The label inside reads "Gene Doris," who was apparently a very well-known milliner in New York during the 40s, 50s, and 60s. This will join my collection of fancy accessories that I don't have an occasion to wear yet, along with my vintage thrifted gloves and such.

I bought another item that was much more practical--a cheery vintage apron in a wonderful colors that reminds me of Hannah's old-fashioned work. As I've mentioned before, I have a lot of aprons, but when you see this kind of thing at $5, how could a normal person possibly walk away? It's also a good excuse to get rid of the current ones that are covered in unsightly spills or stains, so I'm calling it a good and necessary purchase.

I'm also on a little bit of a high because this trip yielded a huge bounty of items for a few swaps I'm super excited about hosting, including my favorite A Little House Christmas swap. Participants are invited to exchange stockings filled with items inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and I'm bursting with ideas as well as the necessity to keep the Laura items I just bought a secret for at least another month. Isn't it funny how as a child you can't wait for Christmas because you can't wait for all the goodies you'll receive, but as an adult you're even more excited by things you'll be giving?

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