Sunday, January 16, 2011

worried bunny

Here is the last holiday photo for the year, I promise. My friend Holly and I decided to do a Christmas swap together, but the normally trustworthy postal service has been very slow since mid-December. My package to the UK took 3.5 weeks to get there, and after nearly six weeks I still don't have mine from her yet! But I know it will be worth waiting for.

Anyway, I sent Holly a bunch of things, including various books, peanut butter chocolates, bunny slippers, and a holly brooch sewn from felt and needle-felted berries.

I also made her a tiny felt bunny wearing a hat and coat made from a recycled cashmere sweater. (The same sweater I used for those arm warmers awhile's the gift that keeps on giving!) Holly is just crazy over rabbits so hopefully she'll enjoy having one for her tree. I like that she looks a little worried, since I've always thought that most buns usually are. Lots of Mr. McGregors around, you know.