Sunday, May 1, 2011

birthday weekend

A few snapshots from the weekend. Lovely cards, a panama hat and clothes from a clever husband (he had the dress made and screen-printed for me at one of my favorite shops!), a beautiful brunch at José Andrés Tres complete with mimosas and bloody marys, and sweet presents from dear friends.

Hope you've had a wonderful weekend, too!


  1. Oh my god, so adorable!!

  2. That kitty bag is too much! So adorable.

  3. I LOVE that kitty "nerd" bag! So cute.

  4. The kitty bag is cute, isn't it? Although the other day I was carrying it and wearing a printed hoodie with a short lavender dress and knee boots and it occurred to me that I was dressed like an 8-year-old. It just goes to show you how well my friends know me. :P

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