Monday, April 25, 2011

unexpected easter

My husband has been away for three weeks...and since I actually like my husband, that's a pretty long time. He was away for both his birthday and for Easter, so my rather sad dinner last night consisted of two slices of toast and some tea and chocolate biscuits.

It was therefore a lovely surprise to go outside just now and find a little present hanging on the door. Our former neighbor left a small basket filled with pysanky eggs, fun clips, and a large nut-covered penuchi that I'm pretty sure she made herself.

It was such a sweet and so thoughtful thing for her to do...and certainly teaches me to try and leave the house every once in awhile.


  1. What a wonderful surprise! And what a wonderful friend that you have!! Hope your husband is home soon...

  2. That was so sweet of her, it really brightens your day when people think of you doesn't it?
    I just wanted to let you know that Im bugsand bells from swap-bot and my blog is if you care to check it out
    Have a great day!
    <3 Mindy

  3. Aww that is sweet. I want neighbors (or former neighbors) like that! How much longer until your hubby comes back?

  4. It was really lovely of her! My husband just got back this morning, but then flies out again on Sunday for another ten days. *sigh*

  5. Happy easter, sad to hear that you are spending this easter alone without your husband and that is really good gesture from your neighbor,
