Monday, February 28, 2011

nightingale paper cutting

Recently I hosted an Adopt a Book Pet swap, in which participants were invited to make an animal from a children's book, along with adoption papers. The swap was of course inspired by the Adopt a Monster Plush swap from awhile back.

I haven't finished my own outgoing pet yet, but I've already received a nightingale paper cutting from my partner Sarah, aka Lavender Lizard. I love scherenschnitte and I love The Nightingale, so this was just perfect!

As it happens, I also just posted a Fairy Tale Paper Cutting swap over in our Once Upon a Time group, so this was really serendipitous timing. Great minds think alike and all that! Apparently Sarah is writing a grant based on Hans Christian Andersen's paper cutting, so she has this stuff on the brain, too. Knowing that I really like narwhals, she also sent me a narwhal ATC that she made from stamps she carved herself. I quite like the expression on his face, as well as the swirly blue ocean in which he's immersed.


  1. I LOVE cut paper art. The nightingale and the narwhal are terrific!

  2. Interesting blog.I am now your follower (
