Monday, February 14, 2011

i am loved

I keep saying this, but unexpected surprises might be my most favorite kind.

In addition to the washi tape, my friend Linda also sent me some other Valentine-y presents in the mail. I've been saving them up to share because I love them so much! I received a SWAK rubber stamp, pretty salt water taffy in the only flavors I happen to eat, sweet vintage buttons still on their cards, and best of all, a wall hanging she embroidered and framed especially for me.

The wall hanging is actually a delayed Christmas present, but one well worth waiting for. As I've mentioned before, "The Owl and the Pussycat" has special significance to us since it was one of the two poems read at our wedding. I already have a copy of Sonnet 116 from an old book framed for my curio wall and had been looking for something similar for the other poem--and now here it is! 

Linda took an illustration of the poem and embroidered it onto cloth, ingeniously filling in the large spaces with watercolor marker. I love the end result, which looks appropriately like a real children's book illustration. Both the animals are so sweet and dreamy and serene on their moonlit journey, and I can't wait to find a good place to hang this. 

It's always wonderful when someone makes something with you in mind, but when someone chooses something as personal as this, it renders me practically speechless. It's wonderful to have dear friends. Especially when they're both thoughtful and crafty.


  1. That's a lovely embroidery - the colour are amazing.

  2. It's the sweetest gift! And made with lots of love. The picture is so pretty, I love the owl, the cat and the moon. So cool vintage buttons and all other things are sweet as well. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, happy honeybee! ♥
