Sunday, May 23, 2010

strawberry season

Sometimes when you see signs by the side of the road, you get rewarded with huge, ripe strawberries as big as your hand. Who could resist a sign like this? (Although I think at one time this drawing might've been of an apple. Hm?)

It's strawberry season in California, and though we can usually find them year-round in our area, they're particularly plentiful in and around the farmers markets right now.  Apparently this state supplies a good chunk of our nation's strawberries, with more than 10 million pint baskets shipped daily during the season. Someday I'd like to go and pick my own.

My husband's very fond of strawberries, and he's attempting to grow some in a pot container...we'll see how it goes! It might be time to make a strawberry tart again, too. Sometimes they're so sweet and juicy, though, we'll greedily eat a whole pint straight out of the carton in one sitting. No crust and cream necessary.

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