Saturday, March 12, 2011

outgoing packages

Posting a quick photo of some of the packages that went out this week. One of them is the Velveteen Rabbit adoption package, and the others are an assortment of prizes. I'm hosting a storybook-inspired recipe booklet swap and decided to do a quick little game asking people to identify the book foods identified in the swap description. Since several people chimed in, I decided to award a few winners with little children's lit-related presents.

It's always fun to receive packages that are decorated--and honestly, Swap-Bot people send the most amazing and happy-making embellished parcels. I love using deco tape and rubber stamps, but sometimes adding recycled book paper or printouts of interesting images are a really wonderful and inexpensive way to decorate, too. Since these envelopes were for children's book swaps, I thought it was fitting to use vintage Mother Goose pages and fairy tale illustrations. I hope they make their recipients happy!


  1. They'd sure make me happy. :) So pretty! Did you make the envelopes yourself or used ones from the post office. I'd also love to decorate my envelopes, but I usually get them from the post office.

  2. Thanks! I do sometimes make my own envelopes, but three of the ones above are padded envelopes I previously received that I recycled. Using book paper is actually a really good way to cover up a lot of old markings. :)

  3. The recipients will be very, very happy. They're beautiful!

  4. Thanks for replying! I'll start decorating my own envelopes.
