Wednesday, February 23, 2011

one tiny kitty

Departing in today's mail: an itty bitty kitty made for the "I really like..." One Tiny Thing swap. This was a sender's choice swap, but I try to please my partner where I can, so it was nice to see that she is a cat lover as well.

I needle-felted a fuzzy little wool kitten for my partner and fastened a satin collar around its neck with a tinkly bell. The kitty measures around 2.5 inches and fits perfectly into a little wooden crate from Michaels that I painted blue. (When I opened the crate, I actually found the vest-wearing mouse hiding in it that I'd made a few years ago, so now he's been liberated from his pen!) I haven't done too much needle-felting other than a few Christmas ornaments here and there, but I really do enjoy it...the prolonged poking action with the needle is very therapeutic. Except when you accidentally and vigorously stab your own finger with the barbed needle, of course.

Side note: do you edit what you present publicly as well? Along with my love for Hello Kitty, dolphins, and few other choice things, I don't actually have my love for cats on my Swap-Bot profile, since there are so many weird and bad products that you might potentially receive. I figure I've listed enough other things on my likes and dislikes list to make up for them.


  1. This kitty is so adorable--you do fabulous work! I've tried needle-felting, but I did too much finger stabbing to find it therapeutic! (And yes, I most definitely edit my likes on Swap-bot--some of my likes would take too much explaining and make me seem really, really picky!)

  2. Oh, thanks Lisa! I always manage to stab myself at least once whenever I needle-felt. *sigh*
