Wednesday, February 9, 2011

more valentine cupcake toppers

My friend Naomi sent me some cute cupcake toppers for the Sweetly Vintage Valentine Toppers swap recently. As I've mentioned, we keep getting partnered in swaps, which is kind of nice because then you know you'll be getting a good package in the mail.

Naomi used adorable stickers to make her toppers along with the pleating technique I used for the holiday toppers I made for Christmas. They're so pretty and so sweet! She also sent me some wonderful glittery Valentine postcards from Cavallini and Company, which I'd seen in stores and really liked. She  was also clever enough to write a note on one of them, knowing full well, I expect, that this would give me license to actually keep it.

In other news, my husband is finally home after a month away, plus my gentlemen friends were staying with us for a few days while they were in town, so it's been a little nutty around here lately. Hopefully things are back to normal, however...I've missed the blogosphere!

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