Tuesday, February 1, 2011

thomas keller, thumbelina necklace

Trading handmade can be wonderful, but sometimes you can just trade away stuff you don't want for stuff you do. Paperfarm and I set up a swap recently in which I sent her a couple of things I already had in exchange for a couple of items I was interested in. 

I'd been salivating after Thomas Keller's Ad Hoc at Home so she sent me a copy from my Amazon wish list. I'm so excited over this book, and I can't wait to try his recipe for lemon-brined chicken. It sounds amazing!

My partner also makes jewelry, so she made me a Thumbelina necklace for me using a tiny fairy charm, a thimble, and some little silver spoons. Isn't it cunning? I also like the silvery moon shining above. 

All in all a most satisfactory exchange!

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