Monday, January 31, 2011

shopper alert: japanese masking tape

I received two unexpected packages from my dear friend Linda within the last week. I'm saving one to share later, but I had to do a quickie post about the first one. She knows I love decorative masking tape, so she sent me a cute little set of three red and pink ones from West Elm...a most unexpected and welcome surprise!

I randomly went on their site today, and it looks like the yellow and purple sets are on sale for the ridiculously low price of $4.99 plus free shipping plus you receive a beechwood dispenser! Goodness, what a bargain. If you love washi tape, get yourself a set now before they sell out.

Update: looks like the tape dispenser is no longer available, but the orange set is now available in addition to the yellow and purple ones.


  1. Very cool! I've seen fancy masking tape at the Japanese dollar store in my hometown (they have such cool stationery) but I've never bought any. :)

  2. Ohh. Once you try them, you'll find all kinds of ways to use them! So versatile and so pretty. :)
