Monday, October 18, 2010

A cool Halloween package arrived a few days ago, painted black and covered in spooky spider webs, as well as chock-full of fun items. I really enjoy receiving things that other people make or give me a little glimpse into my partner's life, so this one was really fun to open.

I especially liked the photographs that ICNTECHINICOLOR sent that she took in negative mode of the Sheldon Church in Beaufort, South Carolina. Apparently it's been destroyed twice, once by the British during the Revolutionary War and then again by the Union Army during the Civil War. The church is still used for weddings and other special events, and I'm sure when it's not in spooky-camera-mode it's very beautiful!

There was a tissue pack, a paper pad, a glittery dark wand, a card, a little packet of stamped mini envelopes, a papery pendant, and more, all individually wrapped in black and orange tissue paper.

I also really liked the vintage-image postcard and and ATC she included--my very first time seeing an artist trading card in person, actually! Everything was really fun, though, and I'm lucky to have had such a creative and generous partner.

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