Tuesday, August 10, 2010

jane in the mail

Today I'm the one who got exciting mail. After sending maps to Cynthia in a Swap-Bot wish tag game, I requested "anything Jane Austen" other than the books themselves.

Libby Bear, also known as Ellen, was nice enough to grant my wish in the form of a ballpoint pen from the Jane Austen center in Bath, England. How fun! So now Jane may be helping me write notes and lists and such. Which seems like something she might've approved of.

Side note: I do so like receiving packages marked "par avion" and "Royal Mail" and such. I think it'd be nice if our U.S. postal service had more exciting postmarks and stickers...but until then, I suppose it's up to us to make our own parcels more interesting to look at.

Big thanks to Ellen for her clever pick. I never dreamed I'd receive something so close to the source when I asked for something Jane, but how nice it is to have your expectations exceeded.


  1. what a great score! love good mail :)

  2. It's nice to look forward to the day's mail instead of looking at it with a yawn. :)

  3. I agree about the labels. I just ran across this shop (http://www.etsy.com/listing/52632053/happy-mail-clear-stamp-collection-3).
    She sure seems to know a thing or two about labels and delicious mail.
