Friday, May 14, 2010

shopper alert: martha stewart craft punches

Spotted at Marshall's today: Martha Stewart craft punches from both the Kmart and Michaels lines. Rotary paper cutters, edgers, and shapes are available at significant discounts (even more discounted, I think, than the price indicated on the tag).

I snapped up a several items, which I found near the bath section. I'd seen some scrapbooking materials at these discount stores recently, but I'm very excited to see MSL brands there as well. I would guess the pale green Kmart stuff is probably liquidation from that dissolved Martha-Kmart relationship, but the white Michaels stuff was a nice surprise.

My husband's already been forewarned there will be other Marshall's trips in our future, since I have sniff out what else is available. Happy shopping! But please don't buy out the ones in L.A. until I get to them. ;)

Update: oops, those green craft punches are from Wal-Mart, not Kmart! Either way, good news for us magpies.

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