Tuesday, August 17, 2010

bookmarks for soldiers + download

When I read about a Swap-Bot project that sent handmade bookmarks for soldiers, I thought it would be nice to join in.

Although the bookmarks didn't have to be specifically themed, I still wanted to do something that was a little tailored to the recipients.  I decided to put thoughtful quotes together with some favorite images from children's books illustrations, and I printed them out and stitched them onto cardstock for extra weight.

Click on the photo to see a larger image and to read the quotes. I like them all, but I think the Pooh one is my favorite!

This is an ongoing project, so if you'd like to send in some handmade bookmarks of your own, there's still plenty of time to participate. Send sturdy bookmarks (no glitter, please) to:

Handmade Bookmarks for Soldiers
c/o Misty Davis
8697 Infirmary Road
Ravenna, OH 44266

The bookmarks will be tucked into a big shipment of books going overseas. Because it's for our soldiers, I also included this little label on the back as well...I thought it was mightily appropriate.

And for you, lovely friends, I thought I'd share the bookmarks with you so you can make your own. You may download the bookmark pdf file and print them out to your heart's content, although of course they are for personal, not commercial use. Just mount them onto cardstock and laminate, or stitch them up if you like.

If you'd like a copy of the leaflet of Rossetti poems I made earlier this week, you may also download the files here and here. Just use spray adhesive to put the pages together, then trim the edges as needed. I hope you'll enjoy both projects!


  1. I missed this swap on swap-bot but will send some. Thank you for posting the address. Great job on the bookmarks too! Linking to your blog on mine and following.
    slogsdon (swap-bot) - Blog Me, Baby

  2. THis is homekeepingheather from swap-bot, trying again to comment on your blog. I also wanted to let you know I've been following. Very neat blog! :)

  3. Thanks ladies! Bookmarks are great...bookmarks for a good cause are even better.

  4. Im always in need of a bookmark, but I never get around to making some for myself :( But this is a great excuse to get out my materials and make some bookmarks for some soldiers!
    maria isabel

  5. Great post! I plan on making some and sending them out.
